Ice Cream Theme
Ice Cream Theme is a web-application that specialized in managing ice cream products.
Ice Cream Theme is a web-application that specialized in managing ice cream products.
Filmoteka is my first team javascript project. We created a web-application that specialized in managing movies and tv shows. We used the Movie Database API for the data source.
Movie Flix is a web-application that specialized in managing movies and tv shows. I used the Movie Database API for the data source.
Web Studio UI Design is a responsive web design for a web studio company.
Job Portal System is a web-application that specialized in managing job applications and job postings
Tabulation system is a web-application that specialized in managing an score events programs in Toledo
My Capstone Project for my College Degree in Information Technology. This is a web-application that specialized in tracking students activities in OJT. I was the only developer in this project and awarded as the best capstone project.
Bus Revenue Tracker (BRT) is a web-application that specialized in tracking the revenue of the bus company. This is a rewrite project from AngularJS to Angular 16
DOKI is an existing PWA application for the Chonghua Hospital Consultant Doctors
RESI is an existing PWA application for the Chonghua Hospital Residents